Hi! We’re Part and Sum, a customer experience company. We bolt on to transform digital experiences and grow brands by seeing through the eyes of your customers. Learn more About us.

Welcome to our Operating System (beta). This is a wiki where our team practices Learning in Public while building out how we work. We use this space to develop and share insights and resources within our team and across our network. Please explore! Let us know what you think at [email protected] and Sign up for our newsletter to receive weekly updates.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1fc665c7-9f67-4c5a-af86-c45b1bd43b0b/Frame_1_(5).png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1fc665c7-9f67-4c5a-af86-c45b1bd43b0b/Frame_1_(5).png" width="40px" /> We have some very, very exciting news! We’re in Residence 🚀

A creative network comprising BUCK, VTProDesign, Giant Ant, Creative Lives in Progress, It’s Nice That, and Anyways, we share a belief in thinking bigger (and hopefully better) about the value of creativity and the role it occupies in all of our lives.


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How We Work Together at Part and Sum

We believe in the creative power of systems thinking. Our ambition is to build the best environment for curious, smart, and driven people who want to practice their craft of helping client teams and each other figure it out. This section includes the structures and processes we build to support and power our team.

How We Work with Each Other

Employee Handbook

Part and Sum’s Leave Policy

Part and Sum DEIBA Statement

Join Our Team

How We Share What Works

We have an internal Team Hub [Template] where we share OOO notes and drafts of client work for feedback. Due to secure client and employee information, it is only accessible to Part and Sum Team Members but we’ve created the template for you to make your own for your team!

<aside> 📖 Top posts about how we work at Part and Sum

Working Together Content


Areas of Expertise

Impactful strategies are created by seeing through the eyes of your customer. Therefore, we foster full-stack expertise across innovation, customer experience, and reaching people through technology. This section includes the areas and disciplines we focus on most.

Part and Sum’s Areas of Expertise

Areas of Expertise

<aside> 📖 Top posts about our areas of expertise

Expertise Content


How We Work With Our Clients

Our service offering is designed to help our clients think big, small, and get things done.This section includes the types of services and support our clients come to us for.

Our Services

Growth Partnerships



Luxury Thoughts

<aside> 📖 Top posts about how we work with our clients

Working With Clients Content
