AI lets see you see like customers.

March 23, 2023

The Latest

Surprise! We’re here with a mid-week dispatch about a special event we’d love you to join us for. Let’s hop right in :)

We’re hosting a webinar!

It’s been a busy year so far at Part & Sum HQ. In January, we released our first future-of-tech forecast in collaboration with the brilliant minds at Garbage Day. From bite-sized brands to the hidden internet, Hyped or Slumped 2023? examined the tech trends we love and the ones we…don’t. And because AI was all anyone could talk about, we followed that up in February with Not So Artificially Intelligent: How Humans Can Make the Most of AI and Not Lose Their Souls. That’s where we interrogated, appraised, and made some predictions about the ways AI will impact brands and consumers worldwide.

There’s been no lag in the quantity (and quality) of AI innovations since then, so we want to sharpen our focus the way that only customer experience experts can. To wit, we’re getting back together with Garbage Day for a webinar on March 29th that looks beyond just ChatGPT at all the AI tools currently proliferating and how your business can make the most of them while building UX and UI.

At Designing the Future: How AI Transforms User Experiences & Interfaces, we’ll share frameworks for adopting AI and the accompanying principles we’ve developed, alongside several use cases for implementing and innovating. To whet your appetite, here’s a preview of what you can expect:

There’s a gap between a good AI and a good customer experience. There are great AI tools out there, but for them to break through the tech world (and become mainstream) they need to be user-friendly, while decreasing human effort. Successfully integrating AI into your UX and UI requires existing at the intersection of three key aspects: trustworthiness, ease of use, and efficiency.

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Ensuring efficacy, efficiency, and accuracy, are the foundation upon which the strength of your design rests. To that end, we’ll focus on the ways that AI can radically transform the way consumers interact with brands across several key categories, from food and fitness to ecomm and beauty.

If you’re hankering for more, and we know you totally are, let us know here.

See ya on Zoom!