November 11, 2022

The Latest

Lots going on as always and we’re grateful that you’re here with us for the ride. This week we’re back with words of advice on an issue you might not even realize you have.

We also had the opportunity to share some of the systems thinking we thrive on over here with the next generation of marketers and are honored to be getting some love for work that really matters.

From the OS

The Difference Between Assumptions & Insights

Decisions, decisions. Even though we live during an era of accessible data & information, it’s still really hard for us to feel sure at decision time. Parsing through all the noise can result in analysis paralysis and distract you from the difference between an assumption and an insight.

Jim Babb has a few ways that information can help us make better, faster, and more confident decisions.

P+S News

Figure-it-out-itude on the road

Western Michigan University (WMU) invited us to be a part of their Digital Marketing Speaker Series and, of course, we said yes. Holiday season fast approaching, our talk and workshop focused on BFCM strategies and how we help our clients think about end of year shopping. It was the best time :)

Drum Awards for Social Media finalist

We’re excited to share the nomination for the Most Effective Use of Insight/ Monitoring Drum Award with our partner Kin. The Nature Conservancy was looking to speak to a young BIPOC audience who cares about the environment but doesn’t know how to help. We collaborated to identify the best communities and used a range of data driven tools to uncover new insights and foster engagement.

What We’re Reading

The birth of test marketing & how it saved a dying brand (Medium)

It all started with soap.

Serotonin Web3 Gaming Review (Serotonin)

Web3 could actually answer gamer complaints.

A week with no meetings (Zapier)

Would you survive?