Written by Evan Petto
I like to think that most bad Pride marketing starts with good intentions. Part of the problem is that one-off Pride stunts never ring true unless they’re backed by an ongoing effort to communicate with LGBTQ+ consumers. You can’t claim to be inclusive if it’s not a core part of your brand strategy year round.
So, before you start developing next year’s Pride plan, step back and assess your relationship with the community, and remember that actions speak louder than ads (even creative ones). Here are some guidelines I’ve prepared, based not only on my experience as a strategist, but on years of conversations with LGBTQ+ friends about what we really want to see in June.
Marketing strategy often involves other people: influencer campaigns, product collabs, ad casting, guest bloggers, etc. Each of these moments is an opportunity to share your platform and spotlight LGBTQ+ individuals, no matter what month it is. Just remember, people are more than their sexual and gender identity—spotlight them for their talent, creativity, and insights, too!
This is especially important if you are an ally, but your business isn’t in a position to speak up directly about social and political issues. And, of course, if social justice is part of your brand, stay up to date on issues that affect the LGBTQ+ community, and the individuals and organizations working in that space. There are plenty of urgent issues to choose from: after a wave of anti-trans bills, 2021 will be a record-breaking year for discriminatory legislation in the United States.
Are you only targeting cis, straight couples during Valentine’s Day promotions? Does your messaging reinforce outdated gender stereotypes (“Moms, your lil dude will flip for our camo-print activewear, and every princess will swoon when she sees this sparkly tiara”)? There are a zillion ways in which restrictive assumptions about gender and sexual orientation influence marketing. Learn to notice them, then think about how you might push against these limitations. If Tiffany can reimagine wedding proposals after 178 years, anything’s possible.
All successful marketing starts with a customer-first perspective. We constantly encourage clients to look at their owned channels through a customer’s eyes. To take it a step further, broaden your ideas about what a customer’s perspective might be.For example, consider how a nonbinary or gender non-conforming customer might experience your website: Are there mandatory gender selections that aren’t really necessary? If you ask for gender identification, do you have options beyond ‘male’ and ‘female’? Designing for a full range of human experiences—not just a few—expands your potential audience, and shows your commitment to inclusivity.
Pride is part of a social movement and an issue that is bigger than selling a product. You as a company are willfully profiting off the celebration that comes from a long history of prejudice, adversity, and fighting for basic rights. Making sure you understand the roots of Pride will help you approach campaigns with more nuance and respect, and perhaps spark inspiration. Take a look at Nordstrom’s multi-faceted Pride campaign, which clearly reflects the company’s deep understanding of LGBTQ+ issues and history. There are interviews with queer designers, spotlights on LGBTQ+-owned brands, an exclusive collab with queer-owned indie brand Wildfang, and direct support for Trans Lifeline and FOLX Health, two essential but lesser-known nonprofits.
Some resources:
That doesn’t just mean hiring a celebrity to be the face of your campaign. Think about who's involved at the concept and planning stages where decisions get made. Ask your LGBTQ+ team members for input; listen, and be open to new ideas. Intersectionality is key here: I’ve been in a lot of rooms where the LGBTQ+ representation was solely affluent, educated, and white.