Written by Jessica Grasmann
As tempting as it is to work on other tasks while you’re on calls, [multitasking is terrible for you and your productivity](https://smartsimplemarketing.com/startling-statistics-on-the-negative-effects-of-multitasking/#:~:text=Only 2.5%25 of the population,e-mail or instant messages.). Help yourself stay focused and present in your Zoom calls by going full screen and minimizing distractions like other windows. That slack message can likely wait! Better yet, mute your notifications so you won’t be tempted to look. There is nothing more disheartening to your team (internal and external) than attempting to engage with someone who is clearly looking at a different window and thinking about a different task.
If you find yourself unable to be present during a video call, perhaps it isn’t the most valuable use of your time?
Unless you need to share your screen, pick up the phone and call someone. Use Slack huddles. Take your 1:1 calls while going for a walk, making a snack, laying on your couch...the possibilities are endless when you’re not tied to your desk!
Bonus: If anyone has muted their slack notifications (see above) and you need help with a fire lane issue, you call or text them to talk about it.
“30 is the new 60” - After 30-45 minutes in a meeting, attention spans begin to decline. Keep meetings short and if you do have to schedule a meeting that is longer than 30 minutes, make sure you have a good reason for it.
Ask yourself the following questions to help schedule meetings efficiently:
Use some Google Hacks to help: