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These values served us well for 8 years but were refreshed in 2024. Take a trip down memory lane to see the values that helped shape Part and Sum.


Part and Sum will conduct its business honestly and ethically. We strive to maintain a reputation for honesty, fairness, respect, responsibility, integrity, trust and sound business judgment. Our employees are expected to adhere to high standards of business and personal integrity as a representation of our business practices.

Behavior and performance should also be aligned with the Company values:

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Tight feedback loops support growth - personally and as a team. Tight feedback loops help us adjust to change and be nimble.

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Never let ego or fear hold you back from doing what common sense + a strong gut is telling you.

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We are building empires, not assets. Our expertise can have a real and lasting impact on businesses when applied to system design.

We’re a creative team’s BFF.

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We’re all supporting actors.

In other words, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Don’t just be quick to offer support or to lean on a colleague, design ways of working that leverage our combined powers.

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We take our work seriously, not ourselves.

Whole self at work.

Fun without being immature.

No marketing emergencies.