Originally written by Rachael Sherman

<aside> đź—Ł There are a number of ways to slice and dice brand strategy. At Part and Sum, we use the following terms and definitions to stay on the same page as we communicate with clients and develop brand playbooks.


Terms and Definitions

Audience Persona

Audience personas are fictional profiles that bring your target customers to life. They help us think about our customers in a tangible way, segment them, and frame messaging & user journeys. Personas are not always a perfect tool, and they must be used wisely. Dive into the 3 Biggest Pitfalls before building your personas.


The same way we build audience personas to bring our customer segments to life with human characteristics, brand archetypes give our brand an identity. They act as guideposts that inform our brand attributes and ensure that we’re aligned on the personality we’re developing.

<aside> ➡️ Check out our Archetype Quiz for help with finding yours!


Brand Attributes

Brand attributes are the characteristics of a brand. You can think of them as personality traits, allowing us to create a more emotional connection with our customers. Brand attributes directly guide our voice, which communicates personality through the messages being shared with audiences.

Brand Strategy

A brand strategy is a collection of tools for communicating the essence of your brand to target audiences. Finding your strategy requires stakeholder interviews, competitive audits, category landscape, and map of the white space.


Our mission should express what we’re working toward as a team to deliver on our vision of the world. It’s action-oriented and impact-focused.


A playbook is just a deck that reunites all the essential components of your strategy in one place. They help you make your strategy actionable by breaking down the components and showing you how to use them.

Positioning Statement

Our positioning statement should express very clearly who we are to our customers and what differentiates us from competitors.

Reasons to Believe

Our reasons to believe are our differentiators. They communicate how we uniquely bring value to our customers in a way our competitors can’t. They back up our positioning, mission, and vision.


While our voice is our personality and stays consistent across communication, our tone can change based on context and messaging goals.

Value Proposition

Your value proposition is simply what differentiates you from everyone else. This is what you’re claiming you can deliver to your customers.

      This is the formula we use at P+S for finding an unique value prop.

  *This is the formula we use at P+S for finding an unique value prop.* 


A vision should express the world you want to create. A good vision should say something unique about your company - it shouldn’t be transferable to another brand.


Our voice is the way we communicate. A consistent voice allows us to establish who we authentically are, enabling more authentic relationships to our customers. Our voice works in unison with our personality to bring our brand to life.

<aside> ➡️ Now that you’re familiar with the terminology, check out how to apply it to your brand! Miro has a great Brand Strategy Workshop template here.
