<aside> 🧑‍🎨 By Ellice Janus. This article outlines a few principles and best practices for building a landing page with the intention of converting visitors into customers, with a specific focus on building landing pages that sell a product.


Getting started

We’ve all heard that a great landing page is a landing page that converts. But how?

Let’s say a prospective customer has just been introduced (or re-introduced) to our brand by an ad, and clicks it. At this point, we have a matter of seconds to grab their attention and convince them to take the action we want. The pressure is on for our landing page–the first webpage a user sees after clicking your ad–to do its job right.

Often, the hardest part of any project is figuring out where to begin. We’ve already identified that the purpose of our landing page to convert. Now it’s time to get tactical.

1. Pick an action-oriented goal

Identify the specific action you want your customer to do when they arrive on your landing page. For example, a brand may want their landing page to do one of the following:

Your landing page’s goal should also be informed by the needs and goals of your business at any given time.

2. Read the room

Try putting the mindset of the customer at the center of your design by asking yourself these two questions:

  1. Who are we speaking to? Who will be visiting this page? Are these new or existing customers? Are they looking for a specific solution?
  2. How did they get here? Keep in mind how the customer came upon your landing page. What were they searching for, and what were they promised when they clicked the ad? It’s good practice to ensure that your landing page matches the ad and expectations of the customer.

Getting into our customer’s mindset along their journey helps us design the most efficient and effective experience for them.

3. Stick with your goal

You picked a goal - now stick with it! As you begin to design your landing page, every element should support and compel the user’s completion of your goal.

4. Test, test, test